Ugh Writing Again?!


  Ughhh!! Ya know this writing isn't getting easier. It's not getting more difficult, thankfully, but it's not easy! I just never know what to write about. I honestly think the thing that gets me, is figuring out what I'm going to write about as well as starting it. But I do find blogging rather calming. I just never know what I'm going to say! I know Google is tired of me looking up "Topics to blog about". Like "Oh, here she goes again not knowing what to write about!". I see blogging as sort of like a little free therapy session too. You get to just type anything and everything that comes to mind. I keep having a writer block and I don't know what to say next.

    Okay so I figured out what I want to write about! Have you guys seen the new Netflix series called "Squid Games"? Yeah, well I haven't bit I heard it's pretty good. Again I don't know what to write about! So far, every time I look up what to write about I see "Bacon" and "How to become a famous rock star online". No seriously, that's one of the topics. Look at 81 Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog that Matters (, it's number 55. Maybe I could write about that. 

    Okay, this is the tutorial on how to become a famous rock star online! First step, you are going to need to know how to play a guitar or drums. Something that's going to really catch a persons attention. Also that might take some time learning, so you have to practice very frequently. So know how music notes, rhythms, and tunes work. I would know about that because I played flute for six years. It's a dedication! But anyways, the next step is, you'd need to start somewhere, get a fanbase going. You could play some gigs at bars or at your local town festivals. Also get on social media! That's a very important step because everyone has some sort of social app on their phone and it'll get the word out quickly, but don't forget to make a name for yourself. Whether it's just your name or something creative you want to come up with. Also maybe try on TikTok since that's how a lot of people quickly get fame. After getting a fanbase going, start learning how to do records for a studio so you can get official videos out. The next step would be to plan small events, don't get discouraged if it doesn't turn out how you expected. That's how all famous people started out. Frequently make content as well to keep people entertained and listening to your product. Once your fan base grows it'll take off from there and it'll be a lot easier. Progressively book larger places to play your music at. And finally, you'll be a a famous online rock star! Don't actually take my advice though, it's not a great idea, haha. But if you do, then awesome and I hope it works out! Stay tuned for the upcoming week of my new blog, maybe I'll have teach you how to become an actor or celebrity. 

