A Makeup Journey


    Hello, I'm Emilee Heard! For my first blog I'm not really sure what to write about to be quite honest. Normally when I have to write about something it's just a  
research paper of some sort and I'm great at doing that! But I'm going to get personal for a second, at times like this, I don't really know a lot about myself. If someone were to ask me, "Hey what do you like to do for fun?", I'll immediately forget everything about myself and give a generic, robot-like answer. But since it is my first blog I want to challenge myself and start off strong! So, with that being said, I'd love discuss something I'm confident that I know what I'm talking about. My love and passion for makeup!

     I've been doing makeup for about eight years now. I started getting an interest into makeup right after I got Instagram and since then it's been a journey but nevertheless a fun one! I started off small using my mom's makeup, what girl doesn't start off like that? I progressed quickly after beginning but got a bit more serious about it and eventually got my own basics. It wasn't until 2016 when people started asking for me to do their makeup and really taking off in the "makeup world". I've done endless events including; dances, Sweet Sixteens, photoshoots, and even a wedding. The wedding was probably my most interesting event I've done because I didn't know it was for that! My best friend's mom asked me to do her friend's makeup for a photoshoot, but simply told me that so I wouldn't freak out. I definitely did freak out a little after I left! But, I had fun doing it for something so special and as well as feeling reassured that someone would trust a 16 year old for such an important day! And I am continually learning with my makeup skills still today just as I did when I first began.

     Aside from doing makeup, I did have other things I enjoyed doing such as; playing volleyball and the flute for six years but they never really stuck to me after high school as much as makeup has. To admit, I have considered getting a cosmetology license but I have another goal I want to finish before starting another one. As well as doing makeup I do have intentions of becoming a veterinarian. It has been something I've had my heart set on since I was a kid. And finally to wrap it up, it has been nothing but an exciting journey for both of my aspirations with a hand full of supporters and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!
