I'm going to try to keep this week's blog somewhat of a serious topic but try and keep it lighthearted. I will to be talking about a subject that affects a lot of people, unfortunately too many people. September has always and will forever have mixed emotions for all kinds of different reasons, personally. Partly between having been born on 9/11/01 and the terror attacks at the Twin Towers. I don't know how to feel, happy, because its my birthday? Or upset because its a constant reminder of a terrible tragedy that occurred? It has always been a mixed emotions day but that's not what I want to discuss for this blog.

    September, as you may know, is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. A topic I've never wanted to relate to so deeply. And it has weighed heavy on my heart since February 13, 2016. To my last breath I'll spread awareness and do everything I can to help anyone, for her. She truly was an angel in disguise until one day she was called home. She could light up a room with her personality, bring a smile to your face with her corny jokes and obsession with pizza, and make jaws drop with her talent of her drawings! But I believe she was too good for this world. She could do everything she put her mind to and she was going to go places with her intelligence, but that same beautiful mind that she had told her otherwise. To this day we ask the same question, why? She was adored by everyone, loved by so many. Its been five years too long, and as time passes it gets harder and harder! Every significant event that we've gone through, you weren't there to experience it right alongside us; our marching band/ concert performances, being the sports manager that always kept our heads held high, Friday night football games were never the same after, tping on homecoming nights, and your 18th birthday. But the thing I don't think I'll ever be okay from, was seeing that empty chair with a folded cap and gown on stage at graduation. But then again it's somewhat comforting in a sense because I know February 11th, 2016 wasn't our last goodbye forever after our 8th grade basketball game, it was just "Hey, we'll see each other in another lifetime". And since that day I've promised myself to live my life to the fullest so you can experience it watching over me! On August 19th, 2021 I got my guardian angels tattooed on my arm so I'll always have a piece of you by my side, closest to my heart. 

    So please if you ever are going through a rough patch mentally and feel like you can't take it any longer, there is someone out there that will listen and help. I can assure you, it does in fact get better and there is a light at the end of the tunnel of feeling hopelessness, I've been in your shoes before. And you'll be happy you stuck around. You are worth it and so many people, including myself believe in you that you're strong and you'll get through it! <3



  1. Thank you for sharing this, Emilee. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd love to see that tattoo; would you mind sharing? (it's very personal, so it's obv your choice).

    You're the best for this important reminder!


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