It's All Fun and Games Until You Eat Dairy


    I've decided to take a different route with my blogs. I'm going to keep them humorous and entertaining. Because even though college is more professional on assignments, you need a good laugh at least weekly. I think these blogs are a nice outlet to just be casual and express things in your own way, maybe not this blog though. I've picked a common topic that some of you are aware of and will hopefully reach out to me so I don't feel alone in. Because I've got some questions!

    So let's get into it! From the meme pictured above you can probably guess what this will be about. Yes, not having a gallbladder. Where's my no gallbladder people at! And it's okay, because I think we're cooler without one anyways. So here's my story.

    Since I was little I've always had some sort of stomach issue. But a few months after I turned 16, it made a sharp turn going 60 mph. And it didn't stop there, almost like it turned for the worst and continued going that speed down a road full of deep potholes. I was in club volleyball at the time since the school season was done and one day my side started hurting like crazy. Knowing me, I just thought I might have moved wrong and pulled something. But the pain stuck for a few days and I ignored it because I was used to my stomach bothering me sometimes, I wouldn't let that get in way of playing volleyball. But oh silly me not listening to my body, I have learned my lesson well since this occurring.
The pain progressed more and more. At one point it got so overwhelming that if I was having a conversation with someone I'd need to step away and concentrate on that and breathe through it. I felt terrible not being to hold an active conversation because the pain would make my ears blare with a loud, high-pitched noise. Eventually I couldn't sleep because of the pain, missed some school, and was drastically losing weight because I couldn't eat. So finally my mom decided to take me to the ER and after a month or so of testing, they came to the conclusion that my gallbladder had completely stopped working and it needed to be removed. I FREAKED out, I've never had a sprain or break let alone needing surgery. So I got the surgery and recovering was terrible. So you know how bad your abdomen hurts after a crazy ab workout? Try doing like, I don't know, a billion sets. And don't even get me started on if you need to cough, sneeze, or laugh. You better brace yourself and have a pillow by you at all times, it'll be your best friend!

    Fast forward to now though. I'm doing a lot better! Sometimes it'll still hurt but I have medicine to take for it. As for my diet, I have to watch with greasy food and dairy. I don't really mind with the greasy food because it has made me realize how gross some of that food is. But dairy! My heart aches for ice cream and milkshakes. But YOLO, I'll suffer the consequences later.
