Don't Turn Left!

Week one of being a student at PNW is over and well it has been an interesting start! I already love it way more than high school right off the bat. Transitioning into week two was a lot smoother than I expected but keeping a positive mindset has also really helped!
    Now, would you like to know why it was an interesting start? Well, let's get started! Sunday night before school started I had a complete break down because, you know, college is a big step into the adult world. But also because I felt like I didn't have a good grip and felt very unprepared. Side note, I graduated in 2020 so everything ended in a mess and definitely almost had a YouTube video for a graduation! But luckily our class was small so we had it in the parking lot. With how high school ended, I was really nervous for college because COVID-19 is still a thing. But for the record I feel like I'm thriving more than I ever did in all four years of high school! Anyways, for my first in-school class I didn't know what building CLO was. I was thinking it was something that started with "C, L, O". I got to school super early and figured out it was abbreviated for "Classroom of Office Building", shows how smart I am, right? After I did figure it out the rest of the day went smoothly. 

    Now buckle up everyone, because we are going on a journey. And I mean that literally! On Mondays I get out a bit later than the rest of the week, about 5:30. So it's the end of the day and I'm tired and ready to go home because I was exhausted, and because why wouldn't the first week of school be in the 90's? So I'm turning out of the front of the building by the Nelson Building and as I'm driving, my bookbag falls and I catch it because my laptop was in it. Obviously, I was distracted and made a very wrong turn! Don't worry, I didn't get into an accident. But I did get lost, very lost. I got turned around and went the opposite direction I was supposed to go. You want to know why I got lost? Well, because I completely forgot about an entire segment of my drive and thought I was turning on Fifth Street already. And by segment, I mean probably a whole mile! I know now that I turn right instead of left. But as I'm driving, I'm looking around and think "Hey, this doesn't look familiar at all". I drove down Broadway in Gary and freaked out the whole time because I don't like driving without knowing where I'm going. And you may ask, "Emilee, why didn't you pull over and turn around"? Well, where I was at, there was no place I could! And honestly, I couldn't even show you where I was at because I don't even know how I got to where I was. I did use GPS, but I had to use Siri because I hate texting and driving. But to wrap up it I did make it home safely, I just know to turn right instead of left now!

    Altogether, I've had a pretty good first two weeks. I feel a bit more independency and less stressed too. And I'm enjoying it because every day I have at least a two day time span to do homework. I've also liked not having to come home and immediately start homework for six classes that'll take maybe an hour each and having it due the next day like I did in high school. Overall it's exciting to start completely fresh!



  1. It sounds BUSY! I'm glad you got sorted and are starting to feel like things are falling into place :)


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