

    The title of this blog describes exactly how I'm feeling about college so far. Just "Yikes". Anyways I hope you all are doing well!

    So far college is getting a bit more up to my pace but it could stay this way. Ha, I wish! I'll admit, I slacked off a bit. But to be honest, What can I say? Procrastination is my specialty! I'm sorry Professor Kyburz, just... pretend you didn't read that. Anyways, I'm all caught up on my stuff now! But being in college has been a change for me, a change for the better. I'm going to be real and say I was awful in high school. Not that I got in trouble of anything but everything came too "easy"  in a sense, personally. I didnt feel challenged when it came to a new subject in class and it didn't teach my anything really. My professor in in psychology one day said "High school didnt really teach you anything it was just about memorization". And that was the best way to put into words how I felt about high school. But being in college, I feel like im genuinly learning new things by putting my mind to the test and its changed my perspective.

    I've really enjoyed the semester so far and can't believer it's already the mid-term, it's flown by so fast already and I want to take in every minute of it! I've already met some amazing girls that I've become good friends with. That factor, I believe, has been the best part about this semester already! What i thought about how this semester would go in the beginning, is completely different from how it is now. It's going to sound silly what I say next but its absolutely true. So, this is how I thought the I thought the school year would go. Every day I keep to myself and go to class as well as do whatever we're doing in class and leave. Because I don't know how to be social or know how to talk to people. Sounds funny, right? Well, that's not how its going and once I've proven myself wrong! By the third day of class, I started to talk to people and now have even hung out with them. I'm really looking forward to this new, exciting adventure I'm on and can't wait to see what this year brings!
